The Trainings Application is an on-line platform for the management of trainings conducted by a company. It is an independent application and can be installed without integration with the Carmen or Phoneman systems. It can be supplied with employee data from Carmen or from an external system, e.g. the HR system.

Access to the application is granted to administrators who are planning trainings, employees who are obligated to participate in trainings (e.g. safe driving) and employees of external companies who are responsible for conducting trainings and entering their results.
Trainings are organised in packages, to which employees can reserve their participation. Documentation in the form of a trainings plan and how-to-reach-us map can be attached to each package. Documentation can be downloaded by participants of the training.

The intuitive and clear interface used in the application allows for quick access to selected information and adding selected events. The application is designed most of all for persons coordinating company trainings and employees who, through the Trainings system, submit their need for specific trainings. The system is equipped with a module allowing for direct correspondence and notification of users by e-mail.